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Test 1: Different writing styles

The style you write in must be appropriate for the purpose. This test helps you consider how aware you are of different styles, this will help you consider the style you need for your written work for university courses.

This test is in two parts:


You must complete part 1 before moving on to part 2.

Test 1: Different Writing Styles Part 1 - Identifying a style

Match the publications to the versions by selecting the radio buttons at the end of each version.

Click on 'check answers' when you have finished. Click on 'reset' to start again.

Version 1

The main tenets of the economic justifications for education can be briefly summarised. Social, technolo-gical, and economic change are now rapid, and one's initial education and skills are likely to become outdated. Countries compete in increasingly difficult international markets and must be responsive to or anticipate change, and here the individual and the national fates coincide with failure to adapt entailing economic hardship for both. This view sees the route to a successful economy as via a skilled, well educated and flexible workforce, and via lifelong learning.

This version is:

Version 2

What's education got to do with the economy? Things change fast now. We've got to keep up with other countries. So...people at work must get to grips with new things. And fast - or we might all be on our uppers. Lifelong learning is what we need!

This version is:

Version 3

How can I and others like me help the economy? I left school at 16 with zilch (no qualifications silly me), and by my 20s was getting nowhere fast! I studied part-time, and went to university as a mature student. Then I got a graduate job. Things move fast now though.

To get on I needed new skills. Back to university to study part-time. Employers need people who'll learn and update their skills. I and others like me are keeping the country afloat.

This version is:

Version 4

The economic argument for education is never far away. Technological advances, societal change and economic swings are contributors to change! To compete internationally countries need to adapt; it also means individuals also need to adapt. The fate of the country and the individual go hand in hand. The economy depends on individuals' skills and flexibility - so lifelong education is critical.

This version is:


© Learning & Teaching Institute, Sheffield Hallam University 2004