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What is Good Written English at University? - Tests

This section has three tests. These aim to:

You can do them in any order you choose. Just click on the one you want in the list below. You can get results for each one and then a summary of all three sets of results.

If you have any difficulty with the exercises and ideas in Writing for University Courses it may be worth contacting the Student Services Centre. They can conduct a screening for possible dyslexia and suggest further ways to improve your skills.

Test 1: Different Writing Styles
Test 2: Spoken and Written English
Test 3: Aspects of University Writing

You can return to the test menu by clicking on 'Test Menu' that will appear in the list of links at the top of the screen, next to 'Main Menu'.

The results of the tests should make it clear to you how aware you are of what is needed in writing for university courses.

After you have completed the tests you can go to one of these three topics. The following does suggest a logical order, but you could access them in whatever order you prefer:

Each topic has:

© Learning & Teaching Institute, Sheffield Hallam University 2004